The love and grace of God abounds at Family of Faith Church. Our ministry and our lives are built upon the foundation of what Jesus said, did, and taught. And our purpose is to go forth teaching, preaching, and healing, touching the world. We are passionate about reaching the unsaved and un-churched in the Nashville and surrounding areas for the kingdom of God. It is our desire to see them changed forever by the saving, healing, and delivering message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
My wife Barbara and I offer an ever extended invitation for you to join us at Family of Faith Church for an exciting time of worship. We encourage you to bring your family and friends to any of our services for a life changing experience. We are so excited about sharing with you and other families in the Nashville and surrounding areas, the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, gave himself for us, and took away our sins! FOFC is a Christ centered, Full Gospel church where believers regardless of age, race, or creed live in VICTORY daily!
Thank you for visiting our website.
Because He (Jesus) Lives,
Pastor Jerome M. & Sister Barbara Hill, Sr.